By the way, speaking of numbers, how many people know about Tony Ray's little hobby?
We have Tony Ray himself, of course. Sam turns out not only to know that Tony Ray is a killer, but that he's the Slop Killer famous across the land. Presumably Sam's boss knows that too, or at least most of it. "How is the old monster?" after all. And there's Brice, assuming Brice is still wandering around somewhere.
Granted that most (presumably all) of these people have reasons for not telling what they know, but as Ben Franklin said, "Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead." We're at four at least-- maybe more. It's getting toward statistically impossible for Tony Ray not to be snitched upon at some point or other, and given that he doesn't seem to take all that much care to avoid leaving traces, this can't go well for him.
Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead, and Tony Ray could arrange that. But some of the people who know are out of his reach, and could also be trusted to have his information someplace that it's safe-- for now-- as long as they themselves stay healthy.