Hero? Can I be this lucky?
Makes it look like our buddy Brice failed at keeping his head down, doesn't it?
I admit I always kind of like Brice, sort of. He's cute. That's about all you can say in his favor. On the other hand, he reads as a spoiled kid who hurts other people not because of innate malice and evil, but rather because it has never occurred to him that his mistakes can have consequences. Consequences that even Daddy's money can't fix. That can cause as much harm as triple-distilled evil, but it is not, in itself, evil. And critters that are not fundamentally evil are far between in the Slop universe. I mean, look at the cast of characters. Sam. Uthy. Tony Fricking Ray, for rice's cakes. By their standards, Brice is sweetness and light incarnate.
I figured Brice is a goner, both because Sam doesn't make mistakes (or he doesn't let anyone prove that he has made any, which comes out to the same thing) and because Brice is a spoiled kid, who is going to screw up in the end. He's going to be an idiot, go back to his old ways, and he's going to get caught. However, since he does not read to me as actually evil, there was always some small chance of redemption for the guy.
Perhaps he has tried for his bit of redemption, and saved somebody's life, or done something else heroic. In so doing he failed the first rule of How Not to Be Seen: Don't stand up. Keep your head down, don't do anything that is going to, for example, get you into the papers.
I might have said that it is ironic that perhaps the one good thing he has ever done (if he has in fact done anything good; we don't know yet) would end up in getting him killed. But a good deed getting you killed follows exactly from the basic structure of the Slop universe. It's perfectly logical in a universe where everyone is either evil, or a victim, or perhaps both.