I am just having some fun with rhyming words, Uncle.
I know our esteemed author has a life and an ebb & flow to how everything he does gets done. He does not have to explain anything to anyone about the patterns and postings of his comic, his story. As far as I am concerned he has nothing to explain. The pages updated sporadically before I was first aware of "Slop" and continued to do so long after I became a fan. If I had been mildly interested in the story and needed the periodic schedule to keep the "high" going I would have bolted years ago. When the next page shows up... in the next minute or the next year, who's to say?.. I'll still be coming back to see what Mulefoot has done.
But I still like forum games, which is what I thought this was.
_________________ "Y'know, if nothing else, living here has incredibly sharpened my 'Hey, there's someone coming for my dick!' defense skills." -