Those of us of a certain age :whistling: may remember when Skylab (America's first space station) de-orbited; it apparently had some remaining battery and propellant, they nudged it into the ocean. Now a bus-sized climatology satellite is announced to fail next Saturday (Sep. 24), uncontrolled, it will impact (pretty much anywhere on Earth except the poles). They have identified 26 distinct components of sufficient density to survive re-entry, the largest expected to be about 350 Lbs on impact. With my luck lately, it will probably land on my truck (flashes back to scene from "Men in Black"). *Cow watches*
Think I'll go out to the barn and rummage around for my old "Skylab Early Warning Helmet". (Yes, that was an actual thing.)
_________________ Never Underestimate the Gentle Giant
Si ego certiorem faciam.... mihi tu delendus eris